Wednesday, February 20, 2008

HK trip Day 2...

Today's itinery was a day trip to cheng chau island...
we had to catch a train to central and then walk to the ferry terminal to catch the ferry to the island... although the journey was only 45 mins, i almost wanted to throw up cos the ferry kept moving sideways, up and down... i had to sit at the window and look out although it was really cold outside...

finally we arrived at the island... and it was quite a small one... lots of fishing boats and bicycles... we walked to the temple and then along the main street... it was still quite early so there were not many people about... we decided not to have lunch there cos the shops looked quite unhygienic... prisy found the 'er duo' biscuit that we used to eat when we were small... so we bought 2 packets of those and had them on the journey back... we caught a faster ferry for the journey back to HK island, and although it was not swaying as bad as the one before, I still felt nauseous the entire time...

we then headed to tsim sha tsui... wanted to eat at this place called knutsford place... but when we finally found the place, we did not really like the food so we settled for one of the nearby cafes and had noodles...

met up with michelle for dinner... we had steamboat at one of the restaurants near our hotel... it was one of the worst meals i have had for the entire trip... i think i am just not suited to eat the food in HK... anyway, after dinner, we went back to the night market again and this time, i bought some little souvenirs and a really cute red furry slipper for wear during winter...

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