Tuesday, February 19, 2008

HK trip Day 1...

We arrived at HK airport around 11am... it was quite chilly when we got down from the plane cos we had to catch a bus from the plane to the airport, unlike in s'pore, where we had the tunnel thing that led directly into the airport... and caught a bus to the hotel in kowloon... we had quite a difficult time locating the hotel and when we finally saw it, it was a quite a disappointment... it was one of those 3-star hotels and the room that they allocated us was really small... the only good thing about the hotel was probably its location cos the transport was quite convenient... and the first thing I noticed was the amount of pollution in the air... it was really bad and the whole place looked smoggy... plus, the people in HK smoked alot... males and females... it was really difficult to breathe...

after depositing our luggage, we went for lunch in this dim sum restaurant near the hotel... the food was only okay... was really disappointed in their 'xiao long bao'... i still think that the ones in lau par sat was better... and we had alot of difficulties deciphering the menu cos the chinese characters were really hard to read...

after lunch, we split up... prisy's group went to shop at mongkok while my group headed for the famous wishing tree... the journey there took about an hour and a half... when we finally arrived there... to my greatest disappointment... the tree did not look like what I had expected... and the worst thing was... bcos the tree was too old and about to fall... they blocked off the area and we could not throw the yellow paper thing that I always saw people do on HK dramas... instead... we had to just hang the yellow paper on the board next to the tree... and the tree also looked reaaly different from what it looked like on tv... i initially thought that we had come to the wrong place but the locals there confirmed that it was the tree that I was looking for... i was quite upset... we also went to visit the temple nearby... cos it said on the itinery that that temple was quite famous as well...

after that, we caught a bus and a train to 'sha tin'... there was a really nice shopping mall there... we hung around there... btw, everywhere was really crowded... we had claypot rice for dinner that day at a stall opposite our hotel... it was not bad, but expensive... and then after that, prisy, mum and I went to the temple st night market... this was where our bargaining skills would come in handy... did not get anything that night though...

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