Wednesday, December 19, 2007

OnE WeEk tO XmAs...

last week was uncle's birthday so we went to this cinema called the Ritz at randwick... it was quite an old cinema and the movie we watched was Beowulf... other than the movie having really good graphics, i do not recommend anyone going to watch the movie... no plot and no storyline... oh well... after that, we drove to broadway to this german restaurant called Una's... and most of the menu was chicken schnitzel... i got the crispy fried one which was quite nice and quite a big portion... prisy got the same one but with some spicy sauce spread over the chicken, and i think that made the chicken less crispy after awhile and they put alot of the sauce...

worked over the weekend... nothing much happening except i am working on christmas and new year's eve... which will definitely be crowded and something i did not do last year... i still cannot get over the fact that if not for the placement... i would be in singapore already... the one good thing is that the weather has not been too hot lately and hopefully it does not get hotter and the flies stay far far away...

placement is starting to suck... cos 1) this placement requires me to talk alot, communicate and try to engage the clients into conversations and it is quite hard for me cos i am not a natural talker and i can't seem to relate to the stuff that seemed to interest them... 2) they smoke ALLthe time... in fact, that's what they do most of the time... every day i come home feeling so smelly and i am breathing in so much second hand smoke, it's really bad... 3) and I have no idea what the lit review thing requires us to do and apparently it's very difficult to look for related articles on the databases... and today was the halfway assessment and the feedback i got was not that great... so to sum it all up... i am not enjoying the placement at the moment...

and anna told me she got ethics approval... another thing for me to worry abt...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...