Friday, December 28, 2007

CooL cHriStMaS...

got roped in by michelle to do some charity gift wrapping thing at borders last week... so it was just me and prisy wearing the christmas hat thing sitting there asking the customers who passed by after paying whether they would like some gift wrapping done if they make a small donation... and at first it started out slow, nobody wants any gift wrapping, but then after like an hour or so... people started coming to wrap their books, cds, and calendars... and before this, i have never had to wrap so many things before, so needless to say, i did a really crappy job, i was expecting the customer to tell me to stop wrapping most of the time... well, no one did thank god, but i figured that's bcos they are not paying much to get their gifts wrapped and it's for charity... well... not sure if i would do it again next year... I would not want myself to wrap my gifts...

worked over the weekend and on christmas eve... was expecting to see crowds of people queuing up, but surprisingly it was pretty quiet other than a few long queues once in a while... i guess people are waiting for later when the prices of the fresh food get marked down...

prisy and i went karaoke on christmas day... the city was pretty quiet as compared to normal even though chinatown was open... but we did not hang around, we sang and then went straight home... had bbq for dinner that day... the weather has been not too hot actually which was good, cos that meant that the flies stayed away... watched movies after... ghost rider, stardust, ratatouille... i actually thought ratatouille was nicer than stardust... but i definitely do not want so many rats cooking my food... that's just wrong...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...