Thursday, September 13, 2007

FiRSt tiMe...

I finally drove the car by myself last Tuesday... drove from our house to yochi's house... i was quite scared at first cos i have not driven by myself ever... but it turned out alright... parked along the street at uni... and one day at uni was enough to make the car dirty and dusty all over... yuck...

michelle's friend came over to visit from singapore... and we had a nice dinner last night, she bought wine for us and it was really nice... after that, we watched the holiday... the show is really nice and funny... did not have high expectations but it turned out to be better than i expected... really funny though... and prisy and michelle kept going on and on the whole time about how cute jude law was...

today drove to uni as well... and bcos we finished late today, when I dropped yochi at her house, i was reversing out of her driveway when the car went over the kerb and hit the kerb... i had a really bad scare... and yochi and i were like trying to look to see if anything was damaged but it was so dark, we could not see anything... but I could feel the front part coming out... i was so worried the whole way home... when i got home, uncle told me that the front plastic part of the car came out but somehow, uncle managed to fix it... thank god... Auris is only 7 days old, he can't have any damage so early...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...