Monday, July 02, 2007

I'M boREd...

1st of july already... so fast... it has already been a month of winter... now really glad that clinicals are finally over and i dun have to do clinicals till at the end of the year hopefully if i can get one...

last friday went back to uni for debriefing... saw mostly everyone and uni felt strangely unfamiliar... cos i have not been back for awhile... everyone looked the same and it was good being able to catch up with the gang... the debriefing was as usual took ages... handed in the portfolio... met up with my honours supervisor... who told me that i should get started on looking for articles and thinking of my topic during the hols... then after the gang went to burwood to eat lunch... we were starving by the time we got there cos we had to wait for one another... and amelia could not drive cos she got her Ls... so yochi drove instead... we just sat and ate and talked for almost two hours at burwood foodcourt... and amelia will be doing a rural placement at Dubbo starting next week for two weeks... and she will be staying there so hopefully all goes well for her...

work was pretty boring... nothing much happening except i heard that our service manager is going on a long break and nobody knows if she will be coming back... so in the meantime, we will be having a new service manager... and hopefully he/she would be a nice person... otherwise our lives would all be hell...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...