Tuesday, July 17, 2007

ALL toGeThEr agAiN...

last friday, went to lidcombe to meet up with zhenzhen and the rest... till now i still can't believe that they are really here in sydney ready to start uni with me for a year... time passed so quickly... waited ages for them to open their bank account... and guess who i saw??!! yunde from my primary school!! I was like ohmigod, i know you but i can't remember your name... haha... and she also recognised me... apparently she was doing physio at nyp before but i seriously dun remember seeing her when i was there... so anyway, i was really surprised to see her and she still looked the same as i remembered... and she cracked me up when she told me how zhenzhen and the rest told yunde that they were going to meet their friend from OT who's studying here (that's me) and she saw me and was like... pls lor, i know her leh... i know her longer than you guys... haha... and then the bank was filled with all the singaporean bridging course students from OT and PT... apparently, there were 5 from OT, 6 from PT and 8 from MRS... and i was like, oh man, the campus next semester will be full of singaporeans and singlish-speaking pple... haha including me... can't wait...

after that, we went to strathfield to eat with prisy... back at ceci again... and bcos we had such a big group, the evil witch kept staring at our table and hurrying us to leave... like we have not even finished the food and they already coming to start clearing the table... but the food was really good though... i am glad the guys liked the food... took some photos on the train and at strathfield... then edlyn and her housemate came to join us after...

work was quite shitty on sat... it was so busy for some reason and i think the new supervisor also did not plan the rosters properly... the pple just kept coming and whenever i looked up, the queue was neverending... and if i need to get like a barcode or the supervisor's numbers, he would be like give the item to the customer for free... even expensive meats... and prisy was the second person to tell me to consider transferring to the woolies at dural... i dun really want to cos who knows the pple there are friendly and nice or not and what the store is like... and prisy and i have been on a hana kimi marathon these few nights... and i hate to repeat myself but the ending sucks!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...