Friday, July 06, 2007

So DUMB!!!!

today is a very sad day... failed my driving test... why??? bcos i could not do the reverse parking... i hit the kerb the first time and i panicked, tried to correct it and tried to do it a second time, but after 4 manoeuvres, the tester told me to forget it and drive on... so bcos of the reverse parking, i got 6 crosses, and i hit the kerb when i was doing the 3 point turn... and i did not see the car turning in front of me and was about to go... so all in all, i had 8 crosses, and failed the test... i was really upset cos i did not do the reverse parking properly... and then after, the tester asked me to pull over and i did not do it cos i thought the gaps between the cars were too narrow, and he was like, 'what are you doing? you just missed 4 gaps back there!!' and it did not help that the tester's attitude was horrible, he was so mean and so fierce during the test...
but i am just so upset that i did not do the reverse parking properly after all the practice that we did... and it was the same damn car as well when we did the reverse parking before the test... and i could see that mr akbarian was also quite upset that i did not pass the test... i am so stupid... dun even want to think about getting a car now... i just want to pass the damn test... So stupid!!!!

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