Friday, June 29, 2007


Yes, I have finally moved... to the new house in dural... the house is quite similar to the old one but abit bigger... and it was sooo tiring on sat, sun and mon... my arms were aching like crazy... we still had to go to the old house on mon to clean it... and now we have started to paint the rooms upstairs, the wardrobes... and the place downstairs is still a mess... dunno when we will be able to unpack everything... there are also plans to paint the walls downstairs... and i have not been able to access the internet till today... well my room is smaller than the one i had before, and the walls are purple... and i have to share a toilet with prisy and michelle now unlike before...

on tuesday... prisy and me went to attend my certificate ceremony in the main campus... and it would have been great if it had not been pouring and cold... i was so nervous not bcos i am going up on stage to receive the certificate but bcos i am wearing heels and i have to get up and down the stairs... the incident when i nearly tripped and fell when i was in sec 4 was still vivid in my mind... but luckily, everything went alright and after the ceremony, we went to eat my fav spicy beef...

have also been trying to work on my portfolio which is due tomorrow... and i have been waiting day after day for my evaluation form to be mailed... and when yesterday the postman came and left, and i still dun have the evaluation, i decided to call my supervisor... and guess what, he has not posted it to me despite me telling him on friday that he has to post it to me by this friday... i was so pissed... so annoying... and i also got my semester 2 timetable... and it looked bad... like i start at 9am from mon-wed, end late on wed and i have an elective which ends at 8pm on mondays... all the signs are telling me that i really need a car... so everything depends on me passing my test next thurs... i really need all the good luck i can get...

and i am now on holidays till next month... but nothing really exciting has happened yet cos i am still stuck in the house...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...