Wednesday, June 13, 2007

LOnG wEEkeNd...

it was raining the whole weekend, from friday all the way till sunday... but guess what, on monday when we were planning to go to the city... the sun came out again and was shining so brightly, not a single cloud in the sky... it was a really beautiful day...

went to macquarie shopping centre first in the morning cos michelle wanted to see something there, then prisy and I drove to the city... we had trouble finding cheap parking cos it was a public holiday and they charged more for parking... in the end, we decided to park near chinatown and it cost $15... then we walked to world square, i bought the sweet bread from the bakery, continued our journey to dymocks along george street to collect michelle's book... then we walked around pitt street till michelle came and met up with us... walked back down to chinatown cos michelle and prisy wanted to eat at market city and i wanted to eat my fav spicy beef... so we had to split up cos it was at sussex centre... and i went into the dvd shop there and i actually found the dvd for the jap series, my teacher is a gangster... both parts 1 and 2... but it was so expensive... $50 for both series... really tempted to buy, but did not get it in the end... i will wait till the price drops or something...

ate my spicy beef finally... and i should not have eaten that bread cos it made me so full after eating the beef and i could not finish the rice... anyway, walked back down to meet up with them at market city... walked ard there for abit cos they were still eating... then the three of us made our way back up to town hall again where big echo was... yessss... karaoke time... the only time when andrea feels alive... haha... wendy came to join us for karaoke too... sang till ard 930pm and then we drove home...

and it's back to reality again... clinicals for another two more weeks... and then we are moving... and then i am taking my driving test... wish me luck for my presentation tomorrow!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...