Monday, June 11, 2007

NoN-stOP RAin...

Week 5 of clinical... went out to lunch on thurs with some of the OT as a farewell lunch for the three students who were leaving... the food was not bad except that it was raining... and it has been raining almost nonstop since thurs... i have never seen this much rain since i came here... and the rain has been causing places to flood and ships are stranded... pple died... alamak...
and it was raining when i got friday off and went driving... cannot even see anything and after i came back, i was locked out cos auntie and uncle went out and i forgot my key... so there i stood outside, shivering while waiting for them...

and then on friday night, prisy, michelle and i went out to dinner at pancakes on the rocks with toufic and diana's sister, who came for holidays from singapore... i could not finish my pancakes cos i was so full and choc-ed out... it would have been a nice night out if it had not been raining... and we had to walk to and from the place back to the car... and my stupid umbrella got quite badly damaged by the strong wind... it flipped the other way twice... and everyone's so cold and wet... i was freezing cos i wore sandals and my feet were soaked... and when we got home, prisy suggested that we should stay up abit more cos it was rare that the three of us are home at the same time... so we stayed up till 33o am playing "Da Lao Er"... how sad... and needless to say... the next day at work... i was yawning all the way and my head was pounding...

and what happened yesterday was... cos i went for driving, and when i got mr akbarian to drop me off at work, the carpark at work was not opened and i thought i dun have to work cos the whole place looked dark... so i thought must be power failure... but when we drove past the supermarket... all the shops were closed except woolies... it was still bright and pple were inside doing their groceries... i was like sian man... i was excited there for a minute thinking i did not have to work... it was power failure and the surrounding houses and streets were affected but woolies got their own power generator... and mon is a public holiday and we are planning to go to the city, so hopefully it will not be raining so heavily...

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