Monday, March 12, 2007

WOrriEs, WoRriEs, and MoRE WorRies...

it's the last day of my long holiday... i really think the holiday is too long... now that clinicals will be starting tomorrow, i am getting worried... i hope everything will go smoothly and that my supervisor there is nice... and instead of taking the train every morning, i am taking the bus there and back every day... and the bus fares are sooo expensive... it's like $4 one way, and going there is a pain cos i have to walk quite alot to get to the place... and everyone's saying how third year placements are very different from the previous years cos we have our own caseloads, we have our own clients and we have to come up with our own intervention plans... it will really be a test to see how much i have learnt and managed to absorb during the last two years... one thing to worry abt...

another thing to worry abt is my driving lessons... to get my red p's, i have to have at least 50 hours of driving lessons, and i am only at 13 hours now... and bcos of the recent increase in the number of accidents involving red p's drivers, they are becoming more strict... so the driving test is another thing to worry abt... and whoever said driving is easy is lying... cos it's not... there are alot of things to look out for... reverse parking is damn difficult...

and bcos mu uncle and auntie are thinking of relocating, that's another thing to worry abt... and if they move to a place which is far away from the train station, i am going to have trouble...
the honours thing is also another worry... i have no time to go down to talk to my supervisor abt the topic and bcos we have to start early... i want to be able to come up with a topic before semester two starts so that i can go start my research... but no... and bcos i am an international student, my visa expires in march 2009, which means that i have to hand in my thesis before christmas while others can afford to delay theirs... and then i am hoping that i can do my fourth year placement in december- jan so that i can go back in time for chinese new year, but that is if they can find a placement for me during that time, otherwise i may not even be able to go home this year... and prisy wants me to go to hong kong with her in feb... and of course, back in s'pore, we have to move by the end of nov, which means that i won't be able to go back to my home when i go back...

WHY the hell is everything happening all at the same time??!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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