Wednesday, March 14, 2007

DaY 1 oF PP3A...

Day 1- 12 March 2007

Today morning was really SHITTY!!!!!! I was early at the placement site… like really early… one and a half hours earlier… sian man… I was like sitting at the bus-stop in the cold for that long… stupid…

But the placement site is really new and nice… very clean and organized… and the supervisors and pple there are really nice… although there were a lot of things to do and read… I still prefer the atmosphere here at northcott as compared to nepean hospital… where the lunch room is soo small and so not everybody can squeeze there and mingle with everyone… and pple here include you in whatever they are talking abt…
We started off with the usual general briefing, talking abt the place, a tour ard the place, got introduced to all the pple working there… and our supervisors were really nice… the only thing I dun really like is the fact that I am expected to travel to other places, like go look at equipment suppliers, attend this swimming carnival at this inaccessible place, go other hospitals to look at their wheelchair programs… and you know why I hate it, it’s bcos I DUN HAVE A CAR!!! That’s why!!! Thank god I have another friend on placement with me who drives… so basically the first day is mostly admin stuff, but my supervisor discussed all her active clients with me, telling me what disabilities they have, their goals, and what she is planning to do with them… and I also got to read on some of the cases… and we will be doing a project called “Skills for wheelies”, where it’s like a program where the kids with wheelchairs come in to northcott to attend a day program on how to use your wheelchairs, how to steer it up and down ramps, what to do if you fall from your wheelchair… the thing I am worried abt is we have to actually learn how to use the wheelchairs and apparently there is this thing called “wheelie” where you have to tilt your wheelchair back so that the front castors are up the herb or ramp… how scary is that??!!

Another thing that I realized was that after so long without having to speak the aussie way, I have to start all over again when I am on pract, otherwise they dun understand what I am trying to say… and that meant no more “leh, lah”… I have to really think over what I want to say first and make sure I dun end the sentence with leh or lah… how weird is that…

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