Monday, March 26, 2007

DeAd ExHauStEd...

I am so tired... more so physically cos my feet are killing me... today was the first time in the history of working in woolies that i worked for 10 hours... and it was definitely not fun... not when it was so quiet cos it was raining outside and daylight saving ended today... time passes so slowly when i am working but so fast when it comes to everything else... i need a break!!! i know i just went for karaoke that day but i really need a whole day to just recharge myself, not thinking or doing anything, just doing stuff that i like... when will that day come i wonder... and my stupid supervisor's put me down for ten hour shifts for the next few weeks... i think i will go talk to her if i really cannot do it anymore... and i have clinicals from mondays-fridays... and i have this big project and individual presentation coming up... and the stupid webct postings that we have to do every week... where got time to do so much stuff??!! am really looking forward to the easter break... hopefully i will have some time to relax and recharge... maybe one of the best ways would be just to put my head down and just cry it all out and get all the stuff out of my system...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...