Saturday, May 27, 2006

Wk 11 FinAllY OvEr...

Soooo glad wk 11 is FINALLY OVER!! i had 2 assignments and an anatomy practical exam due this week... almost benged studying for the practical exam... i hate it when they crammed everything into one exam and some more it's practical lor... i knew i sucked at identifying the nerves and the foot ligaments on the cadavers... didn't even know which was which, and everything was so rushed, dun even have time to think... in the end, had to tikkam so many of my answers... :(

OTTP major group assignment is also finally over... realised that i dun like groupwork... the only thing was u dun have to do all the work and u get the same marks as everyone... but the bad thing was if u are stuck with pple who tended to dominate the meetings, and pple who dun really care, it can really suck... hope we did well, oh and apparently for the peer evaluation forms, i think i was too honest in the marks I gave to some members... oh well... we'll see...

And then today was the deadline was DHR assignment, which was also a groupwork thing and I was doing it with amelia and karen again... as usual, I was the one doing most of the stuff... like me and amelia were the ones who practically did everything while karen did almost nothing, and every time we meet, she would be sleeping... I dun even have the energy to be pissed, i just want to get it over and done with so that we could move on... and also bcos it was her bdae tomorrow...

really really glad that this week is almost over, and i can finally get some sleep... been sleeping late and waking up early since last week... but tomorrow still have to work... but at least dun need to think so much... now have to move on to my other assignments... sian man...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...