Tuesday, June 06, 2006

GOoD n bAd...

okay, happy and good things to report: 1) I now own at least 5 new pairs of jeans, well not really new new, cos i did not buy them, but it was prisy's and she gave them to me cos she dun want them anymore... they came at the right time cos i was thinking of buying jeans cos it's winter now and it's what i wear to uni every day... the only thing abt the jeans are that they are damn tight... cannot breathe in them but according to the experts (Prisy and michelle), they are supposed to be like that and not have extra material hanging out... i was like says who???!!!... haha... 2) watched X-men 3 last tues... and i was totally disappointed... both the first and second ones were so good and the third one had to ruin it all... firstly becos many pple died... and the new x-men were not even given the chance to display their powers... rogue was the worst... i mean, can she be any more useless??!! and angel... wasn't he supposed to have really cool powers??!! and what happened to nightcrawler??!! oops... did i spoil the movie for everyone now??!! anyway the verdict is save ur money and watch it when they show it on tv...
3) got back my anatomy practical results... and i got credit... think i tried my best already... although i did not study joints and nerves well... i always skip joints when it comes to exams... i dunno why... now let's hope that everything i have crammed into my brain for the practical will return to me in time for the end-semester exam...

bad things that happened... finished my ORL assignment today and handed it in... last night was another shitty night trying to complete the assignment, and it was so cold and raining outside... didn't even get much sleep then had to wake up at 6am today to try and finish it... i already can predict many more of these shitty cold nights in the coming weeks, cos exams are coming in 2 wks' time and i still got another COP assignment left... i am so really sick and tired of doing assignments...

my life is boring... uni, work and home... that's all... how sad is that... the thing is... i actually got thurs, fri off last week and i started doing my ORL but somehow, i dun even noe what i was doing the whole weekend, i ended up doing last minute work again...
work was okay... got to see my 'motivation' on sunday... realised i really need a weekly dose of 'motivation' before i can work and study properly... how sad is that... becoming too dependent...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...