Tuesday, May 16, 2006

MotHeR'S dAy...

got back my neuroscience mid-semester exam results, did quite well, but it's those kind of tests that does not require you to understand the stuff, u just have to memorize them... so till now, i still dun understand some of the brain stuff...
last week got an extra long weekend cos i pon uni on thurs, sat was working the whole day, saw my roster for next week and i got the shitty shift again... 1-10pm... this shift seemed especially long, dunno why... this is the shift that i dun like most...

sun... busy busy... cos it was mother's day, so i called mum on sat night to wish her happy mother's day, and the three of us were not working, so we decided to go to the city... started our journey early in the morning, and did some shopping at paddy's markets while waiting for michelle...
after that, i got to eat my fav spicy beef rice... yummy... while michelle and auntie and uncle went to this shop called 'zhu ma ma' (i called it 'you ma ma' cos it's so oily, especially the yu zha gui)

anyway, and then shopped ard market city, actually it was more like michelle shopping, and she took forever, and all of us had to wait sooo long for her... so obviously i was not in a very good mood after waiting for so long, but then after we decided to go karaoke... my whole body felt energized again... haha... sang for 3 hours and it was the first time the three of us are in the city shopping and singing karaoke together... we had fun singing... me and michelle were like singing all these quite old songs like alex to's wu xing shang hai and tian zhen and teresa teng's songs...
and prisy was complaining cos she didn't noe any of those songs...

after singing till like 630pm, time for dinner, since it was mother's day, it was my treat at eastwood to thank auntie and uncle for taking care of me... but when we reached there, there were no seats so we had to wait outside in the cold for like 20 min... but the food we ordered made up for the waiting... and then after dinner, we again decided to go try the limited edition brownie with ice cream dessert at mcdonalds... oh man... i was so full after all that eating... but i think all of us really enjoyed ourselves that day...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...