Friday, May 05, 2006

AssIgNmenTs, asSigNmeNtS, and MorE AssiGnmEnts...

my blogging has been delayed again... wanted to blog halfway during the week, but i was so caught up in the assignments that i decided to do it after the human occupations assignment... speaking of which, sucked... cos i did not know what i was writing about... it's on leisure and how it relates to occupational therapists... and neuroscience mid-semester exam was last fri... which also sucked... bcos apparently, we are not supposed to understand what we are studying, but just memorise everything, so if u memorised ur stuff properly, u will get high marks, if not, well... and so obviously, i did not memorise my stuff well enough, so most of my answers were based on 'tikkaming' and 'vaguely remembering reading abt this'... we'll see how it goes... was talking to a friend from orthoptics and she was like saying how come OT has so much assignments??!! well, good question, i also want to to noe why... :(

now that HO assignment is done, next up is COP... okay, i have assignments due every week and in wk 11... i have 2 assignments and anatomy practical exam... interesting huh??!! wonder how i am going to do so much stuff with so little time... although i am now working much less than before... it seems as though i have much much less time to do stuff... i dunno why...

okay, enough abt uni stuff... the only interesting thing that happened this whole week was last sunday, when we went to play badminton with diana... michelle's colleague from work... oh and apparently we found out that both of us were actually "tong men shi jie mei", we both are crescentians!!! ahhh... we were so excited man, so 'qiao'!!! we started talking abt crescent and the teachers and we also found out that we actually have quite a few teachers in common... and of course, who could forget MRS SIAH??!! aka lobster lady... haha... Go Crescentians!!!

it was just weird... and then after badminton that day, they decided to go eat "yum Cha" (that means dim sum), i personally dun like eating those food, but i was overruled by the majority and ended up spending so much money for so little food... it was damn expensive!!! note to everyone who likes going to eat dim sum... never sit near the kitchen!!! danger... cos u are tempted to order everything that comes out of there... and end up with a big hole in ur wallet and pocket!!! that's what happened to us... when we saw the bill, it was shocking...

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