Sunday, March 27, 2005


happy freaking easter holiday!!
good news: i have 10 days of hols.
bad news: i have 10 days of hols, which means that i have to complete the assignments which are piling up every day, catch up on all the readings that i have to do and study for the sociology test...

during COP tutorial last tuesday, our lecturer said something that struck a chord in me: he said that pple who wants to become a therapist all have some problems or issues. i dunno abt other pple, but after he said it, i realised that in my case, it's quite true... maybe on a subconscious level, that was what made me decide to become a therapist... i dunno...

since i came here, i have been thinking of the word, friends... we all have friends... some are juz those hi-bye frens and some are pple whom u normally hang out with... some frens... u think that after so many yrs of friendship, u kinda noe them but when ur friendship is actually put thru the test of time, u realise that it is easily breakable... and a two-yr long friendship can't even compare to a 4 mth old one... how sad is that... i guess, time doesn't count when we are talking abt friendships... i dun even noe what counts now... it really hurts to noe that... could it be that i didn't put in enough effort to maintain that friendship? or that we didn't really noe each other that well? all those stuff like friends forever... keep in touch... are juz a bunch of crap... really envy those who have frens that they can talk to and are there for them thru thick and thin...

was supposed to work in pairs with this girl for the assignment on parkinson's... we even agreed to research on our own and then meet in wk 3 to collate our findings... when wk 3 arrived, ask her when she is free to meet up, she juz laughed and didn't answer me... huh?!? seemed unwilling to meet up...oh well we have to hand in separately anyway... @#$%%^^%;*^%##$%&*$$###$$%^@#...

should i even publish this blog? maybe...

Thursday, March 24, 2005


getting sick of thinking up blog titles everytime i want to write stuff... so decided to juz put untitled...
writing blog in school today during our one hour break...
last sat, went to my cuz's work-mate's housewarming party... actually was quite boring, cos like i dun even noe anyone there... felt so "extra"... didn't want to go actually... prisy u owe me man... realise after my fantastic observation skills... that the aussies dun have the habit of taking off their choes when they step into the house... they juz walk ard the house with their shoes on... i felt quite strange though... like our shoes are dirty and you dun really noe where u stepped onto before... so her colleague was really kind, she gave us a tour ard her house with our shoes on... went upstairs into their rooms too...

sunday... went to the city to go to kinokuniya to read my much-anticipated book... after waited so many months, it finally came out... i sat there for like 5 hours juz to read the book... so damn disappointed... wasn't as good as i thought it would be... halfway thru... i heard people shouting down below on the streets... a big group of pple were walking on the roads protesting abt not sending anymore troops to iraq... they were shouting, beating the drums... all the cars and buses had to stop for them... eye-opener for me...

wk4 of uni... nothing exciting happened yet... except that yesterday got 4 hours break and didn't do anything constructive... was supposed to do my research for my assignments... ended up playing pool with karen... and when we were left with the last 3 balls, this large grp of aussies came in... put their money down on the pool table and were juz standing there waiting for us to finish the game... and it wasn't like it was our fault that the stupid balls dun go in... they kept making those irritating tsk tsk sounds... and like everytime the ball was abt to go in but didn't, they started to groan... we were like whatever... and we started to purposely play really slowly and not really hitting the balls at all... haha... they were really fedup with us man... cos i think we played for like an hour...

oh and finally... my new resolution is to never ever take anything from the ECU pple again! during the orientation, i saw them giving out stuff to pple along the pathway, i thought from far that it looked like some box and when it was too late, i saw that it was actually a bible... so up until now, i am still stuck with the bible which i dun want ... but i feel like i would be sinning if i threw it away... and then yesterday... again... i took free hot-cross buns from them! and when i realise that there were raisins on them... it was too late... i can't possibly go give them back the bun... i actually tried to eat it, but i really dun like raisins... so in the end... i threw into the bin... oh man... pple in africa are really going to curse me... i sinned...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

SnOopy's bRoTheR...

tues went to watch Hitch at Burwood after school... cos they are having a promotion till next tues and all movie tickets are priced at $5... i loved the show... i think it's one of the few shows that really made me laugh out loud... i was laughing even after the show... my fav scene was definitely the part where the character albert was dancing... haha... laughed till tears were literally dripping...

wed was the first PP lecture (professional practice) and oh man... the lecturer is confirmed to be gay... i mean, all the signs are there... he came in, walking like a sissy, played robbie williams concert for us to watch for like half an hour... and we were like "are we in the right lecture?" and then after that, he talked to us about moisturizers and cockroaches... i mean, do we want to know this??! hmm... and the way he act and speak reminds me of the guys in the show Aussie queer eye for a straight guy... where 5 gays give a straight guy a makeover... weirdo...

if anyone was wondering why the blog title today is snoopy's brother... well... direct translation for snoopy in chinese is "si nu bi" rite, and if you try to say snoopy's brother in chinese, it will be "si nu bi's di di"... which actually means "stupid"... get it???! haha... isn't it funny? :)
anyway, the point is that i truly hate the transportation system here!
yesterday, i have to reach school at 11am... and when i got to the train station... the train juz left and so i have to wait for another 15 min for the next train... okay... so by the time i reached strathfield to change trains... it was already 1045am... and then... the stupid trains kept changing platforms without any announcements... so i was like running up and down platforms 6 and 8 like a madwoman...

and when i finally was at platform 6 waiting for the train, i saw the train approaching platform 8 instead... shit man... i ran like hell... and then, reached lidcombe, got onto the bus, hoping that the bus-driver would drive quickly cos it's already like 1110am... and to my horrible disgust, he actually got down the bus, went into the small eatery shop to dunno do what... and stayed in there for 5 freaking min! i almost went crazy... i am so late that it's not even funny... "si nu bi's di di"!!! finally reached school at 1130am!!! all in all, what a wonderful day...

and btw, it's been raining for the past 2 days here... damn cold man... it's like 19 degrees...freezing...brrr...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

SpeNd, SPend, SpEnD...

sigh... i seriously think that i am spending too much money and not saving enough money... like last thursday, prisy, nao and me went to strathfield to that same korean restaurant to eat again after lessons... the food there is really good but quite expensive... although we only ordered two dishes to share among us... we ate spicy beef hot-plate and spicy rice cake with noodles... yum yum, although the spiciness was too much for me... drank lots of water again... juz like that time when we went to eat the lucifer's plate... that was really an unforgettable experience! i really should stop eating too much spicy stuff, otherwise i am going to get diarrhoea or something...

and then on friday, went to the sydney olympic park to check out the aquatic centre with prisy and nao... cos then we can go there and swim after uni and not have to go that far to the place where we normally go for swimming... cos it's nearer to uni and they have slides... yay! i think it will be better for all of us cos like after uni, when we feel tired or hot, we can juz catch a train or bus there and relax...

and then on saturday, went shopping with prisy and nao at parramatta... after a while, it really gets quite boring, cos like everything the shops sell are almost the same... i like shopping, but i dun like it when it takes such a long time... and let's juz say that my cuz is an avid shopper... haha... didn't buy anything, only a bottle of body butter... which was cheaper than if we bought it at priceline or body shop... but yesterday, prisy tried it and she said that it wasn't good...well, as the saying goes, 'yi fen qian, yi fen huo'...

see... i better start to spend less man, otherwise, my parents are going to kill me... and then prisy asked me whether i want to go play paint-ball... cos it's her fren's birthday end of the month... i really wanted to go but i can't bcos it's so expensive... sigh... hrrgh... EVERYTHING is so expensive here!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

End oF Wk tWo...

it's the end of wk 2 of uni life... and i am still quite unsure abt everything... on the academic side, i can safely say that i am going to suck at human occupations and sociology... why??? maybe bcos i was kind of like expecting the syllabus that they will cover will be similar to what i studied at nyp, but human occupations is something that you need alot of practice, like really knowing how to handle transfers, the correct methods, the equipment, etc... i know that OTs have to learn these stuff, but i didn't expect then to start teaching us in first year, semester 1, i guess... and then during tutorial this wk, the teacher actually told us that he didn't know how to use the hoist... and i am like what???... and in the end, he juz asked one of us to demonstrate to the class, and after that, he didn't even let us have a go at it, an that was the end of the lesson... and he said that we won't be tested on hoists... so?? we still have to know how to use rite? oh man, i better think of something before i fail the pract test...

and then during COP tutorial that day, something funny/weird happened... okay, the teacher asked to do a role-play, one acting as the therapist and the other as the patient... and the patient was supposed to have a problem and the therapist has to counsel her... cos like the subject is basically on counseling and effective communication... i was the patient and i can't think of a problem on the spot so i juz made up one where i said i was physically and sexually abused by my stepfather when i was small, and i didn't tell anyone abt it till now cos i kept having flashbacks and i was afraid that if i was going to become an OT, if i have to deal with such cases, how am i going to counsel the patient if i can't deal with my own problems?... that was the scenario that i thought of... and the weird thing was... after i finished saying... the whole class was so quiet... and i had this really weird feeling... like why did the class become so quiet and so serious rite?... the atmosphere was really weird, that i felt like laughing... maybe my acting skills' was really good... and then, the teacher started to say, 'okay i am sorry that such a thing happened to you, and if you really need to go talk to someone, the counseling service is located at A block, ground floor, i can give you the contact number of the counsellor in school'... he said it so seriously... at that point, i felt so creeped out by the whole thing and i did something that spoilt the whole atmosphere... i laughed...haha...

on the other hand, i feel that although i have made new friends in the course, we are not really like close, and i know it's only the second wk, but i juz feel weird, i think... and sometimes when i talk to them, i can't really understand what they are saying... maybe bcos of their accent or the way they talk...and i feel really bad when i keep having to ask them to repeat themselves a few times... i mean, if i were in their shoes, i would be really irritated... and that day i suggested that we have a little picnic on the grass, cos the school has lots of empty patches of grass and the local students love to sit there... like everytime, especially during common lunch, you will see them sitting in groups on the grass... okay, so we went to look for a nice, relatively clean grass spot to sit and in the end, cos one of them didn't want to dirty her pants... so there were only three of us sitting on the ground... we weren't even sitting on the grass... sigh... what a lousy suggestion, andrea...i seriously think that we have communication problems... like i tried to tell the two hongkong girls that i like to watch hongkong serials and that i really like this actress, xuan xuan... and then they were like who???, cos probably we watched the chinese translated versions back home and they watched the original cantonese versions in hong kong... well, what can i say...

Monday, March 07, 2005

CoUntRy GirL...

THat's how i felt yesterday when we went fruit-picking up on a mountain... it's the fruit season now so my cuz suggested that we go fruit-picking... the weather was perfect, not too hot and not too cold, although the wind was very chilly up on the mountains...there were endless rows of apple, plum and pear trees... the person-in -charge was even kind enough to bring us a ladder so that we could climb up the taller trees and pluck the fruits on top...

we picked lots of apples, plums and pears... and it's cheaper than if you go to the supermarkets to buy... it was like a 2 hours trip up and along the way, the scenery of the country-side was really breathtaking... huge stretches of greenery, streams, also saw some horses, cows and sheeps grazing on the grass... will never ever get to see these back home... the drawback of the experience was that i really hate grass... and if you want to go fruit-picking, you have to be prepared to go walking long distances on the grass... and there were flies too... so yeah, if you dun mind such minor nuisances, then i encourage everyone to go at least once in ur lifetime...

today, my cuz suggested that we should do some baking, since we have nothing better to do at home... yup, so we baked brownies and cheese-sticks... yup, as i am typing this, i am also eating my freshly-baked brownies... yummy... i shall say that our combined baking skills are not bad after all... shall try and bake again next week if we have the time...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

So frEaKeD Out...

yesterday went to watch HIde And Seek... starring robert de niro, dakota fanning, and famke janssen... movie tickets are half-priced on every tuesdays till the end of march... actually we were deciding between that or Constantine... but my cuz said it wasn't as good as it looks... Hide and Seek was really good but, i was really freaked out... the ending was unexpected and half the time, i was covering my eyes...haha... reminded me of that time when i went to watch Resident Evil... that show was so gory... dakota fanning is a really talented actress though... everyone should go watch the show, u won't regret it... trust me...

3 days into uni life... and i think i still cannot get used to it... not sure why though... the people there maybe... the syllabus structure is quite different from what we had back in nyp in semester 1... we have OTTP, HO (human occupations), COP (components of occupational therAPY), PP (professional practice) as separate subjects... and we are already starting on massaging, transfers, etc... and today juz got a piece of good news...
1500 words essay on Parkinson's disease... what joy...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

FiRst dAy oF ScHoOl...

finally! i can't believe i am saying this but... i am so glad that school has finally started... after waiting for so long...
today we only had OTTP ( OT Theory and Process) and Human Biology... OTTP was abit boring cos there was no notes and she said we dun have to copy anything, juz listen... so as all of us students know... sitting there without doing anything active, for eg, copying notes... and juz sitting there listen to the lecturer talk... can really turn the brain to mush... after 10 mins, my body was there but my spirit was already in lah lah land... haha... human biology was good though... i like the lecturer... he explained the concept of homeostasis really clearly... stuff like feedforward... the lecturers here dun rush thru everything juz becos they had to follow some schedule... like some lecturers that i noe...

and today, i mentioned that i will be going to school early to queue for the library position rite... i got there ard 7.30am and there was already a queue... talk abt kiasuism... i managed to get the application form, but it was on a first-come-first-serve basis... so dunno whether i will get the job or not... cross my fingers...

last saturday, my cuzzies brought me pubbing... is there even such a word?? actually becos they have a cuz there who's got a gig in this pub and so, i juz tagged along... really bad experience... didn't enjoy a single second... the music was blasting so loud, i can't even hear myself... practically everyone there was smoking like nobody's business... i hate smokers! i can't wait to get out of there...we stayed for almost 2 hours and got home really late...i am so not going to such places ever again...otherwise, i think i might get lung cancer or something...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...