Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Practice Makes Perfect...

I am writing 2 entries today bcos u noe what happened yesterday...
Again, today, we went to practise taking the train to my uni... at Lidcombe... have to change train and i have to learn how to read the screens to see which train platform i have to go to...i think i got the hang of it though, juz have to be extra careful cos the same platform can have 2 diff trains passing thru and these trains dun go to the same place... and the trains are divided into' all-stoppers' (meaning that the train stops at every single station), 'limited stops' ( only stops at certain stations) and 'express' (stop only at certain stops but it's faster than the 'limited stops' one)...
For those of u who are planning to come to sydney to study, like RealReal... muz noe these stuff... but i think by that time, i can teach you already... haha...

after that, we took a train into the city, my dad wants to go to the casino, and u noe what shitty thing happened? we walked like 20 mins from the station to the casino and they said i can't go in unless i have some form of ID proving i am 18 yrs and above... i didn't bring my IC or anything...
in the end, i went shopping on my own while my dad went to gamble... everything was so expensive... i didn't buy anything and it was so crowded... this area was different from the market place that we went a few days before... more aussies... they sell like branded stuff and cater more to the aussies... i was trying to look out for cinnamon rolls but i can't find any... hrrrgh... singapore dun even have... all the cinnamon shops all close down already... i miss eating them...

oh, and btw, i bought my pre-paid sim card already, so that means i can use my hp now... but i can't like call overseas or msg... i got a nice phone number though...

1 comment:

Choc Choc said...

Andrea!! How are you??good??no email me!! Hmmph...no tell me u got blog somemore. Haha....settling well down there????miss u girl!!!

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