Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Horrible Ending to The Day...

I promised to tell you abt the late night movie thingee rite...
we actually went to watch The Incredibles lor, very nice show, didn't really regret the $11.30 aussie dollars i spent for the movie... again, very expensive... my cuz introduced me to this new frozen coke and it was great, not gasy at all... singapore dun have leh... we started eating even before the movie started and we were into our 2nd pkt of chips when we realised that the short clip we were watching was not the movie, but actually some stupid clip abt this dancing lamb who got his wool shaved off and all his animal friends laughed at him and he was too embarrassed to dance... i think the whole clip was to tell us that no matter how you looked on the outside, you should not be embarrassed but instead, overcome the obstacle and do what you are good at... or something like that, if i am not wrong??? haha...

The next day (sunday),we went to some korean karaoke lounge... the room was cool, 4 screens and it's quite spacious, and there's a disco-like ball on the ceiling... the one that gives out multi-coloured lights?... is that what it is called???... anyway, that was the first time in my entire life going to a karaoke though... actually back in singapore, before i came here, huimin and I wanted to go K-BOX, but Fran dun want..:(
there were only korean, jap and english songs though, no chinese songs, i only paid $5, quite cheap, i think... but there was this weird smell though...hmmm...
after that, we went to the lounge to grab something to eat... we ate cheese fries and something that resembled 'ice-kachang'...

After that, we went back home for dinner... and then the horrible thing happened... i dun like to eat mangoes but everyone was like forcing me to eat, and then my dad was like going on and on about how i was very choosy and picky abt my food and then finally, i couldn't stand it anymore, i broke down and cried... totally horrible... i hate pple forcing me to eat stuff that i dun like...
and then i suddenly felt home-sick all over again... i started to cry harder... i miss everyone back home... i dun even want to talk to anyone and before i knew it, i fell asleep ard 9pm, which is like 6pm singapore time...sickening...

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