Saturday, January 22, 2005

The day I left Singapore...

Firstly, I would really like to thank those of u who took the time and trouble to go to the airport to send me off, really very touched to see so many pple...
Thanks for all the gifts...
To Huimin, jo, Fran, Sherry... thanks for the blanket and the letters... i already miss you guys... Huimin, thanks for the CD...
To the class of OT2, 2004, a very big thank you to u guys... for turning up at the airport and for the video... i really appreciate it...
To ZhenZhen--- brother! THank you for the video... i know that u have really taken time out to film this thing for me...
To Nizar, Inthu, and all those who have been interviewed or helped to make the video--- THANK YOU!
I am really glad to have so many good and concerned friends around me and i hope that we will all continue to keep in touch and remain friends...
To Siti, thank you for coming to see me off... i actually forgot to take a pic with u!!! I was on the plane when i suddenly remembered that we didn't take any pics... so sad..

okay... i have already landed in sydney, australia, and am looking forward to starting a new chapter of my life here... i have got 7 more days to enjoy myself before starting school...
hey pls feel free to email me k... i would really like to hear from u guys k...
that's all for today, folks, pls tune in for the next episode of my life in sydney!!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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