Wednesday, April 26, 2017

WATch thiS SPaCe...

again did not get the job at Concord Hospital, looks like I will be stuck for longer at Nepean Hospital again... hopefully that means that I get to go on my Japan/Korea trip in Dec 2017...

mum is here, no personal space whatsoever, usual arguments, tears, painful tasks and of course, now we find out that papa is also coming for a week, great, one big happy family... not...

uni... kind of started on the 1st and 2nd assignments... bits and pieces, still needs refining of course, but at least I have started right... 

my biggest brain/mind-occupying thing is this whole online dating whatsapp only chat with the same guy that I blogged about last time... so we are still mostly whatsapping each other, only talked on the phone like 3 times since we started chatting about 3 weeks ago... I seriously dunno where I want to go with this... feel like I am back to the stage about the same time last year when I feel uncomfortable and constantly checking my phone for messages, but then on the other hand, what pongie said was right too, standards... oh well, D-day has been set for 7th May at this stage, so we'll see what happens... 

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...