Saturday, June 14, 2014

AnGeL EYes...

world cup fever has arrived, finally!!! sad thing is of course, not able to watch the games live, due to the stupid time difference and no TV, but its ok, and I just found out that, coincidentally, I have scheduled my ADO on the world cup finals day, hahaha!!! well planned andrea :) shocked that holland beat spain, defending world cup champions 5-1 today, but not surprised at all that australia lost... holland definitely has a very high chance of winning the cup this year if they continue to play at this level... but watch out for germany I would say... stay tuned...

finally watching my angel eyes drama, melodramatic for sure, but I thought it was pretty good acting by the 2 main leads, I think I am slightly obsessed by Lee Sang Yoon now... he is so good looking, especially with his dimpled smile... 2 more episodes to go this weekend... 

and fran finally arrived today, got a text msg from her, decided not to have dinner today, mainly becos I thought it was raining, and also I feel lazy, but definitely going on a roadtrip to Kiama with them on monday, and maybe hang out with them on tuesday as well... 

went to try this fried chicken place at eastwood today, not bad, I especially liked the fact that it is boneless, and there is also a new store opened that sells pre-packed korean side dishes...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...