Wednesday, February 05, 2014

DoEs AbsenCE maKEs the HeARt GrOW FondEr?

31st Jan- CNY, visitng uncle david's house first, met up with all the relatives and cousins and cousin-in-laws whom I have not met... had lunch which included pizza, satay and luckily mum fried some noodles cos I did not really like the pizza and satay... did not get to stay long at uncle david's place cos papa wanted to go ah ma's house for the next round of festivities... all I can say is most of the cousins and uncles and aunties looked like they have lost some weight, and the 2 new members to the family seemed nice... next up was ah ma's house, which as always, was boring, cos I don't really talk to them ever... and the food was not great either, and the fact that ah ma's house is quite small and hot, made it worse... all I can say is that thank goodness I only see them as and when I am here during CNY otherwise they are not people whom I would want to get to know, except for ah ma of course, and 8th uncle... after that, went to the temple to pray and visit 爷爷。。。 and then after that, came back home and uncle patrick and family were already here... purposely left the door to the room closed hoping that they would get the hint not to come in but of course not... anyway, it's exhausting despite not having to help out with the cooking but the cleaning up and having to entertain is tiring in itself... no wonder pongie does not like this part of the day... anyway uncle david and family came a little later, but not close to the cousins there as well... so by the time dinner was completed and the last of the relatives left and cleaning up, it was already quite late... and we were all exhausted... 

1st Feb- had this crazy idea to go visit the river hongbao that day... so mum and I took a train down to the esplanade first and it was soo hot that day, and there were quite a few people there at the river hongbao already... not that great actually... and after that we got lost trying to find the bridge linking to the gardens by the bay, eventually got there, and we were starving, initially thought we could have lunch at the marina bay sands foodcourt but it was packed, so no choice in the end ended up eating burgers at gardens by the bay, expensive and not very nice... should not have ordered the milkshake, I drank most of it and ended up feeling so bloated... and then after lunch, I thought I could finally go and see the conservatory, but of course  not, there was a long queue at the ticketing counter when we got there... it was so disgusting... in the end, we sat for awhile and decided to head home... 

2nd Feb- went to macritichie reservoir in the morning for a walk, and it was already quite croweded when we got there... after that, decided to go check out the nasi lemak place that came to the singapore day in sydney, and of course, got there and there was already a queue... ended up waiting for approx 30mins and we finished the meal in approx 5mins... and that's with taking pics in between... the rice and chilli is probably the only things that stood out, otherwise everything else was the same... but of course, singaporeans being singaporeans there was an even longer queue when we were leaving... decided to go chomp chomp for dinner and we ordered stingray, satay... hmmm, both were not the best... but it was not very crowded cos only a few stalls were open that day... and after that, papa suggested that we go to the raffles town club for a free movie, and we ended up watching wrath of the titans... it was alright, probably not a movie which I would pay to watch though... 

3rd Feb- went to bukit merah central again for breakfast, had nasi lemak, ok it really was no longer as nice as last time... met up with wanjin for a movie called the monkey king, I thought it was alright, there was a few funny parts, but alot of CGI of course, had lunch together before that, I ordered the 鱼片米粉... not nice... but I did manage to eat famous amos cookies... after that met up with mum and papa, walked around for abit, went to taka and wisma, bought a dress at dorothy perkins for pongie, and had another dress brought over from another outlet cos they did not have her size in this outlet... and then went for dinner at marche at 313... it was quite crowded both at the movies and at orchard in general... we were all not very hungry, so we just shared 1 pizza and 1 drink... it was alright, nothing fantastic actually... after that went to visit the really high class and new robinsons, all the clothing were at least $100 and above, and that's after discount... nothing that I could afford actually... 

4th Feb- went to walk in the morning at macritichie again, and then went to whampoa for breakfast, this time I had mang zang kueh and soya bean... and also got to buy my butter bread... after that, uncle jeffrey rang and invited me for lunch at nex... walked around for abit and ended up eating korean food at the foodcourt, again not very nice... and not authentic, it's all chinese cooking... after that, walked around the place again and we had baskin and robbins ice cream, which had the same flavours... and after that, uncle jeffrey dropped me at aljunied mrt, and I took a train down to bugis village to buy the caps for pongie and xtine... and then took a train to jurong east to meet up with siti and veena... siti suggested that we eat at this restaurant called paul, it's more a pastry restaurant , and I ended up eating dessert cos did not like any of the mains and it was quite expensive... and the 3 of us ended up also eating dessert, and then deciding to eat at macdonalds... so siti still looks and acts the same even though she is now a married lady... veena has lost weight but she is still the same too... we were debating when the last time we met up was, and we could not remember... and now I realised after looking through facebook (one of the better uses of facebook), that we have not seen each other since 2010, wow that's like 4 years ago... time really flies :(

was debating on whether to download the korean show the prime minister and I... cos initially after reading the recaps, it seemed promising even though I was initially against the pairing of yoona and lee bum soo... and then it was the last episode yesterday, and after reading the comments of the ending from netizens... not quite that keen anymore in watching the show... so probably now waiting for the kim soo hyun show to finish... 

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