Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Ah Neong...

we have finally moved in! 30 Sept is the day, could not sleep the first night, dunno whether if it's becos of the pillow or different bed... slowly getting used to it... nainai slept over, and we went for breakfast at the usual place, followed by another massive grocery shop again (never want to repeat the experience at Eastwood on a Sat am again for grocery shopping)... and then back to the unit and then to auntie's place for steamboat... woke up this am with a shock, cos the sky seemed to be bright already, my first thought was oh shit I am so late for work, quickly came out to check the time, and it was only 5:45am... left the house at 0630 and got to work at 0740... I can see my kms slowly increasing every day... worked out that the distance from home to work is now 54km... tonight is the first night that we are cooking, realised that the sink is too small for our needs, so we actually have to wash and dry stuff as we go... stuck the clingwrap wrongly, don't have anywhere to hang our clothing to dry indoors, cos I am worried that there may be bird shit on our clothes, so tried to use the dryer, but it was totally useless... so in the end, no choice, we hung the clothes outside hopefully the birds will keep their shit to themselves and no weird things dropping on the clothes...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...