Saturday, December 17, 2011

OnE MOrE WeeK...

after saying in the last post that I have had enough of xmas parties, I decided to attend the rehab dinner... cos it was chinese and the price was reasonable... so went for the dinner yesterday, the food was crap, but I had a better time as compared to the aged care dinner...

work has been really stressful this week, can't sleep as a result... and yesterday, I was working till 6pm to finish up handovers, student stuff and the plan to do some stats did not happen at all... I am so glad that the week is over and it's a long weekend for me this week... really looking forward to going home...

went out for lunch this afternoon to celebrate uncle's birthday and we went to takeru... and went to watch mission impossible 4 after... it was ok, not as good as I thought it would be... and we went to watch new year's eve last week, I thought that it was really touching, although it did not get good ratings... 2 more movie tickets left which are expiring when I am away, so I am trying to sell it to work people...

nothing really much happening at this stage, mainly work being very stressful, still watching running man... no new dramas, previewed the chinese remake of brilliant legacy, with jerry yen in it, not as nice... now that xmas is approaching, the shops are so crowded... looking for gifts for people... today when we were at macquarie, I found a huge box of guylian chocolates for only $20!!! bought one box but am seriously thinking of buying more... one more week to home sweet home...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...