Sunday, December 04, 2011

nO moRE xMaS paRtiEs PLs...

this weekend was a weekend of work xmas parties... it was more obligation than me wanting to go really... friday night was the aged care one... I was not wanting to go becos it was $50 for dinner and additional for drinks... and work on friday was really busy, so by the time we finish, I was already getting a headache... and my period really did not help by deciding to come on that day too... Bonita one of the social workers invited me to change at her place, so went there with Laura and Katherine another social worker, got changed and headed to the venue... the venue was quite nice, and they must have booked out the entire place, cos we were the only ones there... I can't say the same abt the food and the dessert though... a waste of money... left abt 2130 cos it was a long drive home and the headache was getting worse... and the dress I was wearing was not the most comfortable either...

one of the good things this week was that despite it being the the start of summer, it is actually quite cool now... wish that the weather would stay like that for longer...

yesterday was the OT dept xmas party at rooty hill rsl... I went to all 3 things: bowling, dinner and laser tag... despite having bowling on xbox, it was definitely not the same as playing the actual thing, cos I really sucked during the game yesterday... there were quite a few people playing bowling and after that, went to dinner, the food was not great again... and most of the dept came... but the conversation was not as funny as the last time at Kate's farewell... not sure why, could be bcos people were tired (like me) or becos the managers were there so may not be appropriate to gossip about other people, which was pretty much what we were doing that night... and after dinner, there was laser tag... alot of people pulled out of that, I did not feel like going, but on the other hand, I wanted to know what it was and so ended up going... there were only abt 9 of us in the end... 2 games of 20 mins each... it was exciting and fun in like the first 15 mins, and after that it was like oh man when is this going to end... and becos out numbers are little, we had to play with other people as well... it was not as scary as I thought it would be... but by the end of 2 games, we were all sweating and yucky...

so in summary, my pocket now has a huge gaping hole and had enough of xmas parties and work people for now...

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