Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter BReaK...

two weeks of my mini break just went so quickly... it was really nice to be able to spend time with my family and my grandma... went on a few roadtrips... everything was going so smoothly up till the last day of our road trip... due to my lack of further planning, I arranged for our last night to be in a winery but what I did not know was that the winery was located quite deep in the forest, hence there was no proper road going in and out of the winery, just a very long dirt road... so what happened the last morning of our roadtrip was we checked out, and it was pouring by the time we were driving out, and my dad mentioned that the car was making alot of noise, and so he got down to check, and we realised that the tyre at the passenger side was punctured... and there was smoke coming out of the tyre and the whole rubber area in contact with the road was gone... i have to admit that i was really scared shitless, cos we were literally in the middle of nowhere and thank god my dad was there, if i had been alone by myself, i simply don't know what would happen... so after changing the tyre, we decided not to proceed with the roadtrip and drive straight back home... it was one scary day... lesson learnt: always check the routes before going on a roadtrip...

and the stupid GPS aka "Richard" did not help either the day before taking us on this road where there was about 15km of dirt road and we had to drive at 5km/h, and the whole time i was praying that nothing will happen to the tyres... it was definitely not a good day...

anyway, the mini holiday i had went so quickly, and my family has gone back... and now it's back to work... oh yes, graduation... nothing really significant, except we took lots of pictures, and everyone in the family was there, so i did not get much opportunity to take pics with anna and the rest... it was probably difficult for all of us to meet as well as our families were all there and the initial plan of going out for dinner did not happen, which i knew it would not when we were talking about it before... anyway, it was still good to see Mel and to know that she really enjoys working in singapore...

as for pics... i dunno if i will upload them, will try and upload some when i have time... as for the next few months, i have been invited to an engagement party for a colleague at work in may, and then i think siti is coming to visit for a few days in june... so hopefully i will be able to meet up with her, and hopefully fran, huimin and jo can come visit as well...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...