Saturday, May 16, 2009


well hello, haven't been blogging for awhile... almost a month since the last blog... have been quite tired with work and nothing really much to blog about is still going ok, still alot of areas to improve on, just had my mid probation review last week, and the final probation review is in july... one of our team members had decided to resign, so now our team is down to 5...

nonwork stuff... attended one of my colleague's engagement party last saturday, in surry hills... prisy accomapnied me but we did not stay for long, cos really did not know any of the people there except people from work... and it was a really small place and noisy... and was involved in a minor car accident last saturday too on my way to work... luckily it was nothing too serious, except that i am car-less for a while week, which is quite inconvenient now that i realised how dependent i am on the car... so i am really looking forward to getting auris back on wednesday...

was really excited that i got to skype that day with huimin, have not seen her for so long... she has grown her hair since the last time i saw her... it was good to see and talk to her... so i am encouraging everybody to get a webcam so that we can skype...

I just received an email saying that i have a case manager now for my PR thing... i have got to get another two more documents before my PR can be approved, but as usual everything moves so slowly over here, so hopefully cross my fingers, it will be approved asap... cos until then, i will not be able to leave the country...

went to watch star trek yesterday with the family... it was not bad actually although i am not a star trek fan but the effects were cool and the plot was pretty good as well... the only thing was bcos we went on a friday, it was so crowded and we had to sit close to the screen...

oh and i finally finished watching the little nonya... the show is really sad... especially the character yuzhu... and i agree with everybody that the ending was not that good... but it was a relief to get it out of my system... hmmm... what show next...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...