Tuesday, October 07, 2008

LAst LonG wEEkeNd...

michelle's friend diana came for holiday here... so on sunday, toufic, diana and steve came over to hang out and we watched get smart... it was an ok movie, abit funny, but on friday and saturday, we watched RV with robin williams, and it was hilarious, it was one of those stupid funny shows... but i like stupid funny, and the one on sat, was dodgeball with vince vaugn and ben stiller, did not think too much abt the show initially, but it was actually quite funny... and bcos it was the long weekend... we initially decided to go to the beach if the weather was good... cos it was raining from fri till sun... in the end, it rained on monday too... so we changed to driving up to the hunter valley...

which reminded me of the time when silvana and i drove up there to visit the hunter valley gardens... though we did not go to any winery then... but yesterday, we visited 5 wineries altogether... and had alot of wine... i was actually feeling abit lightheaded after the fourth one... we went to the adina, de bortoli, tempus two, mcguigan and tintilla... i think i enjoyed the mcguigan winery the most cos the lady there was very friendly and you just point to the wine you want to sample and she will bring it out for you... in terms of the exterior... tempus two wins hands down in my opinion... bcos it was newly built, the structure is very modern looking and very commercialised... unlike some of the older wineries... besides wines, we also had cheese sampling... which i did not really enjoy cos the cheese were not to my taste... the weather started out drizzling but soon became hot in the afternoon and then back to cold again in the evening...
we then drove down to terrigal, thinking to get some fish and chips but in the end, did not bcos there was surcharge cos of the public holiday and guess what we had for dinner... Mcdonalds haha... my fav... and we had kfc for lunch... i bought a bottle of red wine, but i don't think i will drink it... maybe when there is a special occasion... and that was the end of the long weekend of the year...

went for a job interview today at rosebery, the company was called reepod, it is an occ rehab provider... i had quite a difficult time finding the place, and bcos i was not familiar with the place, i decided to catch public transport... and it really affirmed my belief that the transport system here suck... the train got delayed again at eastwood for like 20 min and an hour journey became 2 hours and i had to change trains 3 times... and then at central... as i was abt to board the bus, this lady was behind me and she was smoking... and i looked back at her and she was like... what are you looking at... i was actually quite worried there so i just ignored her... thinking she would not really do anything to me cos there were so many people on the bus... thank god she did not get on the bus... i actually had images of her poking her cigarette butt into my back or something... it was quite scary...anyway... the interview was quite informal and i was not nervous at all, which was good... but we will wait and see if i got the position...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...