Tuesday, July 01, 2008

VEry SLaCk...

thursday... went to silvana's house to hang out after my interview... she cooked chicken rice with the premix that her parents brought from singapore and we watched kungfu dunk and ate at the same time... the show was quite stupid really... like it's those stupid funny comedies... preferred the secret movie actually...

sat and sun... i was working long shifts that weekend... and i seriously dun understand why some people insist on doing stupid things... one... people who don't put their fruits into the bags provided and i have to manually put them two by two onto the weighing machine instead of being able to grab the whole bag which is alot faster...
two... stupid people who stick the reduced to clear stickers onto the barcode and i have to scratch like hell to take them out... and there's like a long queue waiting and i can practically feel everybody who is in the queue drilling holes into me, wondering when i will get the sticker out... like they want us to be fast and efficient, but how to when some people insist on making our lives miserable??!!

started watching this korean series called couple or trouble... which prisy's friend lent to her... it's quite nice and funny... and apparently it's won lots of awards...

went to silvana's house again on monday to do baking and watched CJ7... we baked cheesesticks and brownies... same old same old... was planning to bake something else but we were both quite full and in the end, just those... silvana gave me a short tour of auburn, where they used to go do their grocery shopping... lots of lebanese people... we ended up having this lebanese bbq thing for lunch, which i did not really like... but we walked past this chinese bakery shop and i bought the "bo luo bao"... it was really yummy...

went to the movies with prisy to watch the incredible hulk... i did not watch the one with eric banner, but everybody said this one is much better than the first one... and i really liked it... although it was really weird seeing edward norton play the hulk... cos he is really scrawny... and at the end, robert downey jr (who was ironman) came and both of us think that they are making a movie with a showdown between the two superheroes...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...