Saturday, July 05, 2008

HUnTer vaLLey gaRdens...

went to the hunter valley gardens with silvana on wednesday... we were thinking of whether to go or not cos initially, we wanted to catch public transport, but it takes 4 hours train and bus to get there, and then we thought of driving and trying to get more people to come so we can share petrol but people backed out on us, so in the end, we figured that even though it's just the both of us, it will still be cheaper than catching the public transport... but of course, have to drive all the way and back myself... so we planned to have 'pit-stops' along the way...

we set off at 630am and stopped at this town called brooklyn... a coastal small village, and there is a train station there called hawkesbury river... hanged around there for abit, and decided to drive straight to the gardens cos it will take ard an hour and a half to get there... but on the way, we saw the big M sign and I had to go in and have breakfast... haha... too bad it was still breakfast, i would have preferred to eat the chicken fillet burger and fries... after filling our stomachs, we continued on our journey... drove straight to the gardens after... arrived there around 10am... bcos it was a weekday, there was not many people, which was good... the garden was really pretty... the only thing was that bcos it was winter, alot of the trees were bare, but other than that, i think it was worth the trip... the garden was divided into different themes, will post some pics soon... the hightlight of the garden was definitely the storybook garden, silvana was so excited about the storybook garden...

after the gardens, we went to the village, where they have like little shops selling candles, confectionary, cafes, christmas ornaments... and after that, we decided to stop by the entrance, i dunno really know why it was called the entrance, but it is like a coastal town, and the highlight is pelican feeding, but we missed the feeding time... we actually wanted to go see the giant chessboard, which was also one of the highlights of the town, but when we got there, we looked all over the place, but could not see the chessboard... and in the end, we found out that the so-called "giant chessboard" was so tiny and they kept the chess pieces bcos of the strong winds... we were so disappointed... we walked for abit and drove back...

all in all, i was quite happy with our decision to go on this roadtrip, even though it was just the 2 of us, and we were both debating on whether to go or not...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...