Wednesday, July 23, 2008


i am so screwed... i am soooo unmotivated at the moment to do the honours stuff, it's not funny... how... i just can't seem to focus and i always find myself procrastinating since last week... and then that day when i went back to uni, saw anna and she was freaking out about finishing her honours thing by september... and she made me panic as well... but everytime i tell myself that i am going to do this by this time, i end up not doing it at all... help!!! and my dear supervisor is not helping at all, she actually did not turn up for the meeting today, i called her twice, and she did not answer, totally wasting my time and money, travelling all the way to uni and it was so cold today... i should not have agreed to attend the conference...

anyway, enough complaining... hopefully, the feeling of motivation will come to me soon, like really soon, cos i don't want to be behind everyone else when uni starts next week... brought auntie and uncle to auburn rsl that day to eat the buffet lunch... whoa, everywhere you turn, you see asians and all i can hear are people speaking in cantonese... i ate till i was so full i did not even eat dinner that night... the group of old people next to us, were eating when we arrived and were still going when we left... the 3 of us were like surrendering already... but it's really worth it for a buffet, $12... but the food was only ok... nothing fantastic...

did i mention that woolies had a makeover? now we have self checkouts and new look for the store... and apparently they only allow the permanent staff to undergo training for the self checkouts, which meant that andrea only can man either the big registers or the express... and some people asked me how i felt about having my job taken over by the self serve...

and i went to cut my hair at this korean hairdresser at west ryde, anna recommended it... the price was quite reasonable, and i did not really cut much, just trimmed only, cos the last time i cut my hair was in feb, so i thought i should have one... the only problem was that the hairdressers there all speak only korean and i could not understand them and she could not understand what i wanted... but she was really nice and pretty... haha... i think if i go back next time, i will have to bring a picture of the hairstyle i want so it is easier...

and lastly... i finally could not resist the temptation to watch the 命中注定我爱你。。。 so i stayed up to download the show from youtube... i can't believe myself... i have been resisting the urge to watch it since april... and i knew it, once i started watching it, i could not stop, and now all i can think of is the show and the stupid thing is... they keep dragging the show... i just want to quickly watch the ending and then maybe i won't be so addicted anymore... the show is quite sad actually... and sometimes, while watching ethan ruan, i can't help but think of hana kimi when he was 'shen le'... haha... and now bcos of this show... he became so popular... and people kept saying he looks like 'ming dao'... i think he also looks abit like 'peng yuyan'... and also, people kept comparing who's cuter: ethan ruan or 陈楚河?? personally, i think ethan ruan is cuter, cos 陈楚河 is the type who only looks cute when you see him from afar, but if you see him up close, he is not cute... AND i think he looks like show luo, whom i absolutely dislike... so my vote goes to 阮经天。。。

see what i mean??!! i can't concentrate on my stuff at all... all i can think of is the show...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...