Tuesday, June 24, 2008

ROad tRip PaRT 2...

SatuRday: zz wanted to go to these markets... and we almost got lost on the way to the first market at boot hill... cos the directions were not clear... it was really like a garage sale, where people just come and set up their stalls on the grounds... i was done within half and hour and had to wait for the rest... i was not really into these sort of markets... after that, we headed to another market but could not locate the place so zz said to just go to the next one at camden... the drive there was really nice and camden was really pretty... cos it looked like it was at the bottom of the mountains and the air was really fresh... i preferred the market there... bought a candle holder for annie to thank her for helping me recruit... we were there for quite awhile... cos it was more of an arts and crafts market... after that, we headed to picton... another historical town and dropped into the information centre to check out where are the attractions... and for some reason, my GPS took me on this really windy and narrow road to picton, and i was so scared driving on that road cos i could not see oncoming traffic, but luckily, there were not many cars...

the person at the info centre recommended we take these 2 scenic drives... one was to go look at the nepean dam and the other to this lookout place... the nepean dam was really nice... but we were freezing even though the sky has finally cleared and it was bright and sunny that day... and we were the only ones there... after that, we drove to the other scenic route to the lookout... and it was quite far away from picton and for awhile, we had no idea if we were going in the right direction... but the scenery was really nice... and there were not many cars as well... when we finally got to the lookout, it was really pretty but cold... and i wished that the trees were not blocking the scenery... the drive back down was equally pretty...

we decided to have dinner at strathfield ceci... and bcos we got there quite early... there was no queue and we were starving... but when we were driving out of the carpark, silvana lost the parking ticket and we were like stopped there for 10 mins trying to find the ticket... in the end, the person was kind enough to allow us to pass through otherwise we would have to pay the fine for losing the ticket... and then when driving out of the carpark, the GPS said to turn right, and i did not pay attention and did not realise that it was only a one way road... cars started to honk at me when i turned right... i got such a bad scare... which i guess was partly my fault, i should have paid attention to the road and not be too reliant on the GPS... cos it did a few mistakes in the past already... that was really scary... dropped them back at berala and headed home after... was really tired... luckily only working at night on sunday...

and auris was so filthy after the road trip cos it was raining for the past few days and i have not washed it for like 3 weeks...

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