Saturday, June 07, 2008

JuNe ALreAdy...

the korean bbq was a success... although not everyone came, but I really enjoyed myself, eating and chatting... i dunno really know why anna said it changed owners but everything seemed the same to me... the food, the layout... the only things that was sucky was the way there and back, missed a turn and missed the turn into the restaurant, had to do some illegal uvees... and on the way back, got honked at by this idiot... and of course, having to smell like bbq for the whole night and the next day... even after showering... prisy came into the room and was like, oh man, you room smells like the 'zhu rou gan'... haha...

heard back from the OT conference, did not get to do an oral paper... was asked to do a poster instead... did not want to do it initially cos it's so expensive... but my supervisor and everyone was telling me that it's a good opportunity so i guess i am going after all... it's in melbourne in september...

went to berala that day and had steamboat with the girls... it was a cold and wet day... so it was nice to have steamboat... chatted and ate alot... can't believe that they have been here for a year already and about to go back soon... i will miss them... cos i could always count on them to understand my singlish sometimes and speak chinese with me... and go karaoke...

watched enchanted that day... i quite liked it... really cheesy but james marsden's character is just hilarious... and secret... by jay chou... it started off really slow at the beginning, and the stupid disc kept pausing and repeating... but it's not bad... quite sad actually...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...