Tuesday, June 10, 2008

MY FinGeRs ARe crAmPing...

i have been thinking about this since monday... it's about work... for some reason, i was actually glad to see L at work yesterday when she came in... and i kept thinking to myself... how really weird is that... cos as some of you might know, she was like my number 1 hated person in woolies at that time... i called her the evil woman... recall previous posts... and now... she's like of the few people at woolies who i actually like and get along with... to me, that's just really weird and i just have to vent a little...

anyway... went to karaoke again... on sunday with the girls... cos joan was leaving and they decided to go sing for one last time... too bad we did not get to sing for the whole day... well... wanru's got some really incriminating videos of us singing the group songs... and this particular song called 'ben xiao hai' was stuck in my head since that day... i had fun... going to karaoke with them is always fun cos they are simply hilarious... with their actions to the songs...

this week is going to be boring week again... cos i have like heaps of interviews waiting to be transcibed and analysed... why can't somebody invent a machine that can type the words out as they are spoken?? that will definitely make my life much more easier...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...