Wednesday, March 05, 2008

ENd oF hoLidAyS...

the last week of my stay in singapore... met up with the family, went bowling with the cousins, met up with friends... went karaoke and ate some of my fav stuff... too bad I still did not get to eat my ben and jerry's... played mahjong... haha...

on the flight back to sydney... the person sitting in front of me was so freaking inconsiderate and rude... he pushed his chair all the way back and I was still eating... and how was I supposed to watch the screen if the screen is right in front of my eyes?!!? so I asked him politely to bring his chair forward abit, he mumbled something but brought his chair forward alittle... everything was ok for awhile and then he did it again... and I asked him again to bring his chair forward... and you know what he said?? he refused to and was mumbling something as if it was my problem... stupid man... what an ass... ruined my whole flight...

and when we arrived in sydney... and stepped out of the airport... it was so cold that it was not funny... when we finally got home, after unpacking, all of us went to bed...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...