Thursday, October 11, 2007

STrEsseD oUT...

these past few days have been very stressful... assignments are all due in the coming weeks and i am so confused as well... it has come to a point where i can be doing one thing and the next minute, i have no idea which assignment I am actually researching for... and I dun even know what I am doing half the time... and this semester, I think I have read more journals than I have ever read in my entire life... read until my eyes cross... and exams are coming next month... and this semester, i have 3 exams but heaps of assignments...

basically that's it... just assignments and more assignments... dun really feel like blogging as well but i thought oh well just write something cos my blog has not been updated for awhile...
and oh yeah, will be going back to singapore in dec and possibly going to korea for a week... looking forward to the holidays... i really need a break!!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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