Wednesday, October 03, 2007

OFF tO tHe beAch...

Last friday, it was joanne's birthday, so she decided to celebrate her bithday at manly beach... when i got there, the place was packed... it was so crowded that i think the whole world is there and all of them are going to manly... the queue for the tickets were so long... and the ferry was full, so we had to wait for the next one...

when we finally got there... we went to buy our food and found a place to sit near the beach... i ate fish and chips... which wasn't very nice... and cos i was not planning to go play in the water, i was wearing a skirt... but anna's son justin also came that day and he was pestering anna to go into the water... so in the end, i went with him... it was beautiful... the beach was nice and the water was really cool... and the day was really nice as well... it was hot but windy... and then the rest came to join us at the beach... stayed there for awhile... then we headed back to circular quay... the ferry ride back was horrible, cos halfway through, the ferry lost an engine and the ferry was rocking all the way back... felt really nauseous... when we arrived, i got a headache already... then we headed to the lindt cafe at darling harbour... ordered my fav milk iced chocolate... oh it was soo good... i felt better immediately...

after that, we decided to head home... and i went to pitt st to get prisy's gift voucher... after that, yochi and i caught a train back... and i took the train to eastwood to wait for prisy and the rest cos we are having dinner for prisy's birthday... we finally decided on a korean place after walking back and forth still undecided on which place to try... was a korean place called minto... the food was not bad, but i still preferred the one at ceci's...

worked through the weekend... but this weekend was a long weekend cos monday was labour day... so even though i had work at night and there are like 4 assignments due... i decided to go with prisy and michelle to the beach... this time to bondi... it was so hot and the beach was packed as well... stayed there for awhile and i think after spending so much time in the sun on both friday and monday, i got tanned... but only on my arms... my legs are still 'pasty-looking'... damn it... tried the fried ice cream that they were selling at one of the shops and it sucked... yuck...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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