Saturday, October 27, 2007


These past 2 weeks have got to be one of the worst weeks ever... HO and COP were really difficult, and OTTP was also taking up alot of time cos we are going to the school to present next tuesday... and today, got back the presentation marks for HO and it was not good... i really hope the report will be better and hopefully pull me up to a credit at least...

and it has also been raining these past few days... and bcos the garage was damaged, bcos of the incident, auris had to be parked outside in the rain... and it rained so heavily today... i had to go to surry hills for the meeting with our industry parter and it was not funny at all... i hate rainy days...

the next few weeks leading up to the exams are going to be worse, although i think it's already really bad at the moment... this semester really sucks...

attended the fourth year honours students presentations today... one of the students who presented had the same supervisor as me and during the presentation, i was thinking to myself, some of the things that she mentioned sounded familiar, cos apparently our supervisor has been telling us to use the same studies... but I dun want my research to be similar to someone else's work... i want it to be different and unique... isn't that the whole point of doing honours?? and also one of the guest speakers was this really experienced OT who I worked with before when I was on pract at Westmead Hospital... what she talked about was really inspiring... she spoke about her experiences and how she became what she is now... and I realised that I want to be someone like her... although I dun really like doing research work, but I know that I am better at research than at clinical work... so if an opportunity comes in future allowing me to do both research work and clinical work, I will grab it with both hands...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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