Thursday, July 26, 2007

UNbeLieVAble bOrEdOm...

first week of uni... firstly, very excited and happy that zhenzhen and guys are all here attending uni with me... it still feels quite weird... secondly, the timetable this semester really sucks... we have so long breaks in between lectures... the longest break is like six hours... and the worst thing is lidcombe being a hole in the ground, we can't even go anywhere... and that's why at times like this having a car would be handy... up till now, the subjects i dun really enjoy is applied physiology and qualitative research... totally dun understand what the lecturer was talking abt during the applied physiology lectures... was just copying the notes... and qualitative was so boring... there were only eight students enrolled, and six of them have already got their degrees and are doing further studies... so it was quite weird cos they were also much older and they were talking abt the projects that they were working on... and the worse thing was we have to buy the textbook... which i dun really want to... i have not found out the price yet but it is going to be quite expensive... and i probably would not be using it in future... but then i dun really want to go talk to the lecturer cos the lecturer is quite fierce...

and then on tuesday, went out with zhenzhen and the rest to parramatta to watch harry potter... and bcos we wanted to catch the earlier show, and we missed the train at lidcombe, we had to catch a train back down to strathfield and had to run like hell to catch the express to parramatta... and they were saying how it was so stressful that we had to always run to catch the train... which was true cos usually if we miss a train, we have to wait ages for the next one... and when we arrived at parramatta, they were hungry but the shops in the food court were mostly closed, so in the end, they had to eat sushi... i actually thought the movie was quite good, like obviously alot of stuff had to be cut, but it was all quite good... quite scary at times... but i have to say that the special effects were better in transformers...

got to uni early on monday morning and decided to watch huan huan ai at the computer lab and used up all my free internet cache just watching two parts... i was like shit... and last week's episode was so short... i really can't wait anymore... really want to know the ending...

Monday, July 23, 2007


andrea is officially a LOSER!!! cos it's her second time failing the driving test... very upsetting... i dunno why i just cannot pass the test... and this time it's not bcos of the reverse parking... i actually got the required mark to pass but i did a fail item... cos what happened was... i was driving along this small street and there was this other L-plater doing the reverse parking so i went around the car and i did not go back onto my side of the road and just kept on driving... mr akbarian was also quite upset and i was like how many times must I take the test before i pass and get my red Ps??? arghhh... well... i can't really stop now, just have to keep trying till i pass the test...

and tomorrow is the start of semester 2... sian man... at least i am quite looking forward to this semester cos there will be more pple i know... but the timetable for this semester is really shitty and like i have long breaks in between but i still end quite late on some days... and i start at 9am every day except for thurs...

and i am still waiting IMpatiently every week for the episode of huan huan ai to be shown... WHY did i start watching the show now??!! i really hate this kind of waiting...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

ALL toGeThEr agAiN...

last friday, went to lidcombe to meet up with zhenzhen and the rest... till now i still can't believe that they are really here in sydney ready to start uni with me for a year... time passed so quickly... waited ages for them to open their bank account... and guess who i saw??!! yunde from my primary school!! I was like ohmigod, i know you but i can't remember your name... haha... and she also recognised me... apparently she was doing physio at nyp before but i seriously dun remember seeing her when i was there... so anyway, i was really surprised to see her and she still looked the same as i remembered... and she cracked me up when she told me how zhenzhen and the rest told yunde that they were going to meet their friend from OT who's studying here (that's me) and she saw me and was like... pls lor, i know her leh... i know her longer than you guys... haha... and then the bank was filled with all the singaporean bridging course students from OT and PT... apparently, there were 5 from OT, 6 from PT and 8 from MRS... and i was like, oh man, the campus next semester will be full of singaporeans and singlish-speaking pple... haha including me... can't wait...

after that, we went to strathfield to eat with prisy... back at ceci again... and bcos we had such a big group, the evil witch kept staring at our table and hurrying us to leave... like we have not even finished the food and they already coming to start clearing the table... but the food was really good though... i am glad the guys liked the food... took some photos on the train and at strathfield... then edlyn and her housemate came to join us after...

work was quite shitty on sat... it was so busy for some reason and i think the new supervisor also did not plan the rosters properly... the pple just kept coming and whenever i looked up, the queue was neverending... and if i need to get like a barcode or the supervisor's numbers, he would be like give the item to the customer for free... even expensive meats... and prisy was the second person to tell me to consider transferring to the woolies at dural... i dun really want to cos who knows the pple there are friendly and nice or not and what the store is like... and prisy and i have been on a hana kimi marathon these few nights... and i hate to repeat myself but the ending sucks!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

MORe thAn mEEtS ThE Eye...

went to watch transformers on tuesday... heard that the movie was really good from everyone who had seen it... and it was really good actually... the main character was funny, the main lead actress was so hot and the visual effects were really cool... i would give the movie 8/10...

and these past two days, prisy and i have been marathoning the korean series called my love patzzi... it is actually a very old show... saw it before on tv back in singapore... the show was ok, and i still think jang nara is very cute... although she was alittle annoying in the show sometimes... and what i really dun like abt korean guys is that they always smoke in the shows... why do they have to smoke all the time...

and then yesterday... i went to kino in the city to read my books... bought my next in death book and my hana kimi dvd... and it was cheaper than i expected... $18 for the whole show... so i was quite happy... after that, met up with prisy, did some shopping around central... went to eat at this japanese place that prisy recommended... the food not bad and the price was also reasonable... and then we went for karaoke for an hour... now waiting for my huan huan ai dvd to be out... i think this show is nicer than devil beside you and mike he's hairstyle is cooler as well... haha

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A LiTTLe NOstALgia...

i am feeling better since last week... i am going to learn from my mistakes and make damn sure i dun make the same mistakes again in the next driving test... and i am taking driving lessons again...

did not do much for the past two weeks of holidays... did some journal article readings... watched the new taiwan series why why love... it is quite nice although it feels alot similar to devil beside you... and i have again fallen into the trap of starting the show without waiting for it to finish airing... and i bought a cupboard thinking it would be able to store all my files and notes... but it turned out not being able to fit the files in... and i had to return it... and prisy and i actually spent like two hours assembling it and then realising that the files would not be able to fit in... so in the end, we returned the cupboard fully assembled and the store said they will use it as their display model... i am actually not really in any hurry to get a bookshelf... so we'll see how it goes... and work was pretty boring as usual... have not seen the new supervisor yet... and nandar is not quitting apparently, she just went to do some exchange work at other woolies branches for a few weeks and she will be back...

yesterday went to do some grocery shopping with auntie... and when we went into this chinese shop, i saw the nissin cup noodles... and it reminded me of the times in crescent when we used to walk over to the petrol station and sit at the church and eat cup noodles after school... and fran always used to drink the soup and the rest of us nagging at her not to cos it's full of msg and her hair will fall out... haha... really miss those times... but everything has changed since...

Friday, July 06, 2007

So DUMB!!!!

today is a very sad day... failed my driving test... why??? bcos i could not do the reverse parking... i hit the kerb the first time and i panicked, tried to correct it and tried to do it a second time, but after 4 manoeuvres, the tester told me to forget it and drive on... so bcos of the reverse parking, i got 6 crosses, and i hit the kerb when i was doing the 3 point turn... and i did not see the car turning in front of me and was about to go... so all in all, i had 8 crosses, and failed the test... i was really upset cos i did not do the reverse parking properly... and then after, the tester asked me to pull over and i did not do it cos i thought the gaps between the cars were too narrow, and he was like, 'what are you doing? you just missed 4 gaps back there!!' and it did not help that the tester's attitude was horrible, he was so mean and so fierce during the test...
but i am just so upset that i did not do the reverse parking properly after all the practice that we did... and it was the same damn car as well when we did the reverse parking before the test... and i could see that mr akbarian was also quite upset that i did not pass the test... i am so stupid... dun even want to think about getting a car now... i just want to pass the damn test... So stupid!!!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

I'M boREd...

1st of july already... so fast... it has already been a month of winter... now really glad that clinicals are finally over and i dun have to do clinicals till at the end of the year hopefully if i can get one...

last friday went back to uni for debriefing... saw mostly everyone and uni felt strangely unfamiliar... cos i have not been back for awhile... everyone looked the same and it was good being able to catch up with the gang... the debriefing was as usual took ages... handed in the portfolio... met up with my honours supervisor... who told me that i should get started on looking for articles and thinking of my topic during the hols... then after the gang went to burwood to eat lunch... we were starving by the time we got there cos we had to wait for one another... and amelia could not drive cos she got her Ls... so yochi drove instead... we just sat and ate and talked for almost two hours at burwood foodcourt... and amelia will be doing a rural placement at Dubbo starting next week for two weeks... and she will be staying there so hopefully all goes well for her...

work was pretty boring... nothing much happening except i heard that our service manager is going on a long break and nobody knows if she will be coming back... so in the meantime, we will be having a new service manager... and hopefully he/she would be a nice person... otherwise our lives would all be hell...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...