Friday, May 11, 2007

WiNtEr's CoMiNg...

Auntie and Uncle came back from singapore on sunday... called home and found out that pong is working friday, saturday and sunday and she started school at nyp two weeks ago, so I am quite worried she might not be able to cope... but she said she can still cope at the moment, so we'll see how... if things get too stressful, she would be better off not working... cos I know I get quite stressed sometimes working and studying... and also kept encouraging her to go swimming in the pool at nyp... it's so big and nice and clean... dun waste the opportunity to use the pool since it's there anyways...

this week is the first week of clinical placement 3B... at westmead hospital for 7 weeks... and luckily it is quite near to the station, like it's within walking distance... and i have been assigned to a male supervisor in the neurology/neurosurgery ward... it is quite boring actually, cos for the past few days, all i have been doing is initial interviews and writing the progress notes... and i have only been to one home visit so far... it's pretty challenging, but i wish there's more that i could learn... do different stuff... maybe more interesting stuff will come up in the coming weeks hopefully... but the thing about working in a hospital setting is that i dunno abt other wards, but at our ward, some of the patients have cameras cos they are in danger of getting a seizure... what happened was if the alarm sounds, that means that the patient is having a seizure, and you will see the nurses and doctors sprinting into the room... the first time it happened, i was like what the hell is going on... but after realising what it meant, it was quite an eye-opener...

other than going to clinicals every day from monday to friday, i have no life at all... cos by the time i arrive home, i am so tired already... and i sleep really early every day now... becoming like an old woman... oh and btw, we are moving house next month... to a new suburb called dural... very very inconvenient cos there is no train station nearby...

oh and btw, Happy Birthday Huimin!!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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