Sunday, May 06, 2007

IN frOnT oF mY LapTop All dAy...

been watching this japanese series called my boss my hero this past two days... the show is very funny but at the same time, quite sad and meaningful too... and it's kind of different from the typical lovey-dovey series... it's a story abt this gangster whose father is the leader of the triad but he is quite bad in his studies before and all he is good at is fighting, drinking and all the 'bad' stuff... so his father told him that if he wants to be the next leader of the triad, he has to go back to school... and so the show is abt his school life and how after attending the high school, he realised that there are alot of things that he can learn... very touching sometimes also... anyway, i would give it a 7.5, highly recommended show... haha...

the whole of last week has been spent on watching series, and there was this japanese series called Ichi Rittoru no Namida (1 litre of tears)... and the show is about this 15 year old girl who found out that she has this incurable illness called spinocerebellar degeneration... this disease is fatal, first affecting her legs, so she can't walk, then her hands, so she can't write, and then she can't talk and swallow and it's like she's just lying on the bed waiting to die... and the show is abt her battle with the illness and how she did not give up... the show was sooo sad... i think i really cried so much that it is really worth 1 litres of tears... and it was based on a true story... although the show is really sad, i still highly recommend it to everyone... a very meaningful show...

and the last week of my break before i start on another block of placement was spent watching hongkong serials... went back to uni on friday for the placement briefing... same old boring stuff... we were supposed to celebrate angela's belated birthday but did not in the end, cos we did not manage to get a cake for her... so we postponed to after the placement and then we'll celebrate angela, mel and karen's birthday altogether...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...