Thursday, May 31, 2007

WiNtER is FiNaLLy Here...

placement last week was really sucky cos matt was off sick for the whole week and i had to follow the other OTs... and towards the end of the week, i was ready to give up OT, bcos nobody told me that i had to write so much stuff just for one initial interview... and whenever i write once, they checked it over and i had to rewrite it... i was so freaking sick of writing by the end of last week, it was so not funny...

other than placement, nothing much happening... work was as usual... a long weekend is coming up next week and i have already taken a day off from placement on the friday, so i will have an extended weekend... and i am really itching to go karaoke... but nobody can go with me... everybody's at placement and prisy's working weekends and i also usually work weekends... but i really want to go karaoke and eat my spicy beef...

driving is also going well... learning some techniques to make sure that my reverse parking is consistent... and i am going to take the driving test hopefully in the first week of july... really hoping that i will pass the test and then i can start looking around for a car... that's why i am trying to work as much as i can now...

and this month, so many pple's birthday... but unable to celebrate with them on the actual days... Huimin, Piyo, Zhenzhen, Mel, Karen and pong... Happy Birthday!!!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...