Saturday, April 14, 2007

SEcOnD laST weEk...

easter monday... was actually planning to just stay at home and catch up on the placement stuff... but got pulled into going to swim at lane cove and then walking after... and then watching fun with dick and jane later at night... it was funny but like all usual jim carrey shows, it's those funny but stupid kind of shows...

and then it's back to placement again... second last week of placement... found out that i have like 9 extra hours accumulated and i have to use them somehow... but it's been so busy everyday and tuesday and wednesday, we had to go to wheelchair trials and when we got back to the office, it was so late already... which i really hate cos it's so dark outside and i really can't miss the last bus otherwise i will really be in deep shit... thank god so far, that has not happened yet and hopefully never will... and i found out two days ago where my next placement will be... it's at westmead hospital... the good thing is it is quite close to the train station... but the bad thing is i am the only one going there...and i actually wrote on the preference form that i would like to do a mental health placement... oh well... hopefully it will be a good placement and the pple there are nice...

went to the movies yesterday with prisy, uncle and auntie at hornsby... watched sunshine... like i thought it was a science fiction show cos it appeared like that on the trailer... but towards the end of the show, the movie became quite scary bcos if an unexpected presence on the crew's ship and this crazy person started going around killing the crews... btw, michelle yeoh's in the movie... just thought it's worth mentioning... but i would not recommend watching it... cos the storyline's not great and it's got the creepy-looking guy cilian murphy in it...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...