Tuesday, April 10, 2007

EAstER roAdTriP...

was working on saturday and man, the store was quite busy, when i started my shift, all the checkouts were used so I was asked to do returns instead... and after that, I was asked to mop the express area... it's not that I am complaining or pampered... the mop that I had to use was so crap and I have never used that kind of mop bucket before, it was like you had to step on it with one foot and use your other foot to push the lever down and slowly squeeze the water out of the mop... and my stupid supervisor was like... aiyoh, singaporean kids are all like that... and I was like hey, aren't you singaporean too??!! anyway, I did not even get to use the registers much that day... was mostly doing the tickets actually... and towards the end of the day... the seafood section was selling all their stuff at half price so I quickly called auntie and michelle to come grab some before all are gone...

yesterday, we went on a roadtrip... started out at 8:40am... drove for almost 3 hours to this lookout point called Bulli Lookout where we could see the coastal line and the city of Wollongong below... it was really pretty... then we drove into the city of Wollongong to visit this rare Chinese temple called Nan Tien Temple... it was just weird for me to see a chinese temple here and there alot of tourists there when we arrived... apparently the temple is very commercialised but it was huge... did not spend much time there but prisy met her friend wenndy there... what a coincidence... then we continued our journey to the Grand Pacific Highway... which apparently is after Wollongong and there is like a bridge walk which you can do along the coastal line of the ocean... we only did like half of the walk actually... there were also quite alot of people doing the walk... and it's absolutely amazing... to see the ocean and there was like a huge cliff on the opposite, and the weather was great, and you could see people hand-gliding and doing parasailing at the beach area... we wanted to walk the whole way but it was getting quite late and we are still planning to go further... we then continued our journey to this country town called Berry... and the shops were open... and it's bustling with activity, unlike in sydney, where it's like dead quiet cos it's easter sunday... prisy and I bought ice cream... yummy... and once we got back into the car, it started to rain... i thought the weather was really kind to us yesterday, like it only rained when we were in the car, but when were out strolling along the shops, the weather was so nice... continued along on our journey to Kangaroo Valley... the scenery was just beautiful... mountains, farms, cows, acres of green everywhere... really amazing... then we stopped at the town area, where we spent awhile looking at the shops selling all the handicrafts, jewellery, nice stuff... then it was time to head home... went to eastwood to eat dinner and when we finally arrived home, it was like 9pm... all in all, the roadtrip took us 12 hours to and fro... pretty amazing...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...