Sunday, April 08, 2007

A LoNg-NeeDeD brEaK...

it's the long easter weekend... well, i would say that it is a long and much needed break for me... went to castle towers to do some shopping with prisy but i did not get anything, and then came home to watch children of men... i thought the show was quite good... but they should have elaborated on the ending a little more... actually prisy and i have watched it the other day, but i was so tired that i only watched half of the show and prisy finished it the other day... we also watched monster house on wednesday night... although it was a cartoon, it was pretty scary... but it was also quite funny, especially the main character's friend...

then on easter friday, went bowling at fox studios with prisy michelle, steve and toufic... the special thing abt this bowling venue was that it was kind of like cosmic bowling... glow in the dark, so it was quite exciting... and we had lebanese bread for lunch... so basically it's like a pizza bread base thing and they have either herb, cheese or meat on it... the herb and cheese ones were nice, did not really the meat one... then after bowling, we went to this chocolate shop to eat, but i did not get anything cos the stuff there were quite expensive... then after we came home for awhile then went to myat's house for their cousins' night... she cooked some burmese noodle dish... and we were actually late cos michelle wanted to bake a pudding at the last minute... played last chance and i laughed so much that my facial muscles were actually aching and i literally had tears in my eyes... myat was really funny, she cracks me up sometimes... played till quite late and we were making alot of noise... was really tired by the time the last round was played...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...