Tuesday, April 11, 2006

LaST wEeK...

this blogging business is getting abit delayed... it's already a week past what i am going to blog on... anyway, last sun caught up with huilin... if u remember, she's the one who also goes to NJ... she's doing speech therapy now... anyway, went to bondi with her, prisy and her fren, wendy...
we did not shop together though... went our separate ways after arriving at westfield... personally, bondi westfield is like the high-end shopping centre... all the branded and expensive stuff... not my type, huilin also like me, only go for cheap stuff... me, i would choose hornsby or castle towers anytime for shopping... that's why i told huilin i will invite her up to our place next time so that we can go shop at these places... we finished walking in abt an hours' time... actually thinking abt it now... it's kind of weird... cos we were not even close in jc... but we could not stop talking, she likes to talk, very bubbly and she likes brightly-coloured stuff... haha... we are actually quite different in tastes... took quite a few pics which i am going to post... we ate lunch with prisy and wendy at this italian place... actually i wanted to go to the city to eat my fav spicy beef rice, but huilin seemed to want to eat there so we ended up eating there... quite expensive and i ordered fish and chips... when my food came, the fish was like 3 tiny strips only lor... cheat my money...
i had fun that day though, too bad i had to leave early for work... :(

then last week, also called zhenzhen... she was so funny when she answered the phone and i told her who's calling... probably did not expect me to call her... just wanted to ask for her opinion regarding the OT conference... btw... the whole story was... our uni held a lucky draw for 5 lucky pple to attend one day of the conference for free... so a few of us entered... angela and yochi got it... but angela did not want to go so she asked the person-in-charge whether she can let me have the ticket instead... the stupid lady said no, it's not fair to the rest blah blah... and if she dun want it, she has to write a note saying she wants to forfeit and they will redraw... i wanted to go so badly... but i really could not afford the ticket... so in the end... after talking to zhenzhen, i decided not to go... maybe next time when i can actually afford it...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...