Saturday, April 15, 2006

I aM sAd...

celebrated amelia's 21st bdae last thurs... went to the other side of eastwood to eat at this korean steamboat place... okay, i didn't noe abt this in eastwood until last week also, but on one side of eastwood, it's all asian stuff, mostly chinese stuff, and that's where the roast pork shop and the cheap rental shop is which i kept talking abt before... and on the other side, it's where all the korean restaurants and shops are... they even have shops selling the korean traditional costume... how cool is that!! interesting huh... we ordered this huge bowl of spicy pork rib soup and this seafood omelette... okay, i dun really eat all that stuff, so i ended up just eating rice, alot alot of potatoes and abit of the omelette... that's why whenever i have to go out and eat, very 'chi kueh' one... and it's not cheap, just the steamboat alone costs $50!!??
but i think we all enjoyed ourselves... too bad i could not post the pics... dunno why blogger does not let me post them... and then after eating, we decided to go hunt for angela's 21st bdae present (i am soooo broke already!!)... she already told us that she wants a cap, mechanical pencil and a jacket... somehow she reminds me of fran... very practical person...
went to macquarie shopping centre to look... did not do much shopping cos it's not really sale season yet so everything's still quite expensive... found her a nike light blue cap, a grey jacket and a mechanical pencil... all in 2 hours' time... aren't we efficient?? haha...

i have got a really sad news... my parents just called and told me that we have to sell our home... (sobs) and we have to move out by the end of this year... i really love the location that i am living in and the house... and what's worse is that by the time next year when i go back to singapore, i will not be going back there already... did not even get the chance to see the house for the last time or say goodbye...

btw... happy easter!!!

1 comment:

apple picker said...

oh dear, what happened?? financial problems?

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...